Friday, March 13, 2009

Borders is EVIL!!!

Now I know why Friday the 13th is so bad...

So I got into lab this morning, just checking my e-mails before getting ready for a meeting and some lab work (I know, I actually had work to do instead of working on this blog... I know, how dare anything take me away from doing what I love!).  And then IT showed up...

An e-mail from Borders.  But not just any normal e-mail.  Usually it provides a 15-20% coupon good for any item in the store.  Sometimes it's 30-40% towards a book or CD.  But oh no, they went and did it... a 40% off any DVD box set!

I know, how dare they!  They know I'm trying to cut back on spending on those precious DVDs (although I did drive the SO to the yarn store today - $12 more to my DVD fund!).  And what do they do?  Two weeks before Andy Richter Controls the Universe comes out, they provide a coupon that would provide a lot of relief from a purchase like that.  Doing the math, the DVD costs $40.99 at Borders.  40% from that is $16.40, meaning it would cost $24.59...

Okay, so it's cheaper buying from Best Buy (or Amazon... oh Amazon, how I love thee), especially with the $5 gift certificate.  But for some reason, it's the whole "40 percent off one DVD box set" that has me happier than a stormtrooper NOT on either of the Death Stars, happier than J.D. in one of his daydreams, happier than... I'll stop there.  Can't show too much of my nerdiness in this post.

So is there anything I need in my collection that I don't already have?  Check my other blog, Tenacious Spoo in the List of DVDs to see what I have and what I do need.  You'll be a big help to me and you'll get the evil look from the SO.  Okay, so I'll get the evil look, too... okay, I'm getting it right now from her, even though she's across campus.  I can still feel it.  Scary.  I know.  Later!

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